Arcelormittal SA v Minister of Environmental Affairs [2018] ZAGPPHC 577
MEC for Agriculture, Conservation, Environment & Land Affairs v Sasol Oil and Another [2005] ZASCA 76
Company Secretary of Arcelormittal SA v Vaal Environmental Justice Alliance [2014] ZASCA 184
Mineral Sands Resources (Pty) Ltd & Others v Reddell & Others [2022] ZACC 37
Fuel Retailers Association of SA (Pty) Ltd v Director General, Environmental Management Mpumalanga and Others [2006] ZASCA 154;
Sasol Oil (Pty) Ltd & Another v Metcalfe NO [2004] ZAGPHC 25
Maccsand (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape Town 2012 (4) SA 181 (CC)
Uzani Environmental Advocacy CC v BP Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd [2019] ZAGPPHC 86

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