Land, Air and water

Under the National Environmental Management Act the following guidelines have been published:
- Public Participation Guideline
- EIA Guideline for Renewable Energy Projects
- Need and Desirability Guideline
In terms of section 6 of National Environmental Management: Waste Act (NEMWA), the Minister was required to establish a national waste management strategy for achieving the objects of NEMWA, which must include:
- objectives, plans, guidelines, systems and procedures relating to the protection of the environment and the generation (including the avoidance and minimisation of such generation), reuse, recycling, recovery, treatment, disposal, use, control and management of waste;
- mechanisms, systems and procedures for giving effect to South Africa’s obligations in terms of relevant international agreements;
- practical measures for achieving cooperative governance in waste management matters;
- guidance on raising awareness regarding the impact of waste on health and the environment;
- approaches for securing compliance with the requirements of NEMWA, including the monitoring of compliance; and
- any other matter that the Minister considers necessary for achieving the objects of NEMWA.
You can access the National Waste Management Strategy here.
There are two important strategies under the National Environmental Protected Areas Act: National Protected Area Expansion Strategy and the Biodiversity policy and strategy for South Africa: Strategy on buffer zones for national parks.

In terms of section 5 of the National Water Act a national water resource strategy was required to be developed and needed to address:
- Strategies, objectives, plans, guidelines and procedures and institutional arrangements relating to the protection, use, development, conservation, management and control of water resources;
- Provide for at least:
- the requirements of the Reserve and identify, where appropriate, water resources from which particular requirements must be met;
- international rights and obligations;
- actions to be taken to meet projected future water needs; and
- water use of strategic importance;
- Establish water management areas and determine their boundaries;
- Contain estimates of present and future water requirements;
- State the total quantity of water available within each water management area;
- State water management area surpluses or deficits;
- Provide for inter-catchment water transfers between surplus water management areas and deficit water management areas.